Hussein El Shabouri


Hussein was born in the beautiful city of Alexandria in 1945 and studied at the University of Alexandria’s Faculty of Fine Art.

Graduating with a specialization in Interior Design, Dr. Shabouri continued his academic path and sought his postgraduate studies, graduating with a PhD in 1982.  His academic journey has led him to become a professor of Interior Design in the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria. Furthermore, he has practiced his love for the craft in various institutions and positions; earning him the prestigious title of President of the Syndicate of Fine Artists in Alexandria.

Shabouri’s work has been exhibited amongst a myriad of collections and in prominent exhibitions. The likes of which are The General Exhibition of Fine Arts in Cairo, The Art Syndicate Exhibition in Alexandria, Assiout, and Ismailia, The Faculty of Education Exhibition, and more.

In addition, Shabouri had held the magnificent responsibility of designing the interiors structure of multiple prominent museums such as the Museum of Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, The National Bank of Egypt Currency Museum, The Egyptian Conference Hall in Nasr City, The Sadat Museum in the Alexandria Library, The Noubian Museum in Aswan, and the Cairo Opera House.


Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


65 x 45 CM

25.6 x 17.7 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


65 x 45 CM

25.6 x 17.7 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


50 x 35 CM

19.7 x 13.8 Inch

Artwork Title

Pastel on paper


65 x 45 CM

25.6 x 17.7 Inch



2 October - 17 October 2019


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