

Mostafa Rahma

2 February - 28 February 2025

Mustafa Rahma’s “Mythology” exhibition explores the rich world of Egyptian myths and folk tales through the artist’s unique artistic perspective.
Featuring over 20 original works, Rahma combines historical Egyptian elements and iconic symbols with his own imaginative characters, creating a vibrant and dynamic universe.
While his paintings address profound themes such as culture, consciousness, and mythology, they retain an essence of simplicity and joy, inviting viewers into a colorful exploration of the ancient and the contemporary.

About the Artist

Mostafa Rahma was born in 1952, an Egyptian painter who lives and works in Cairo.

Rahma portrays women with deep affection. He reveals their individual daily routines and lives with affection, revealing their unlimited passion for life, tenacity, and elegance (cigarettes, drinks, laughter, parties).

He has participated in numerous group and solo exhibits in Egypt and abroad, and he has earned the Prince Faisal Bin Talal Award (1992), the Sharjah Cultural Sector Award (1994), and the Abu Dhabi Cultural Sector Award (1996).

He has authored and published several children’s books, for which he was honored in 2004.


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